I like this photo, it was taken by my friend, Here I'll not say names.
Here is my friend Militza and I, This photo was taken in Cartagena during de "Paseo mechón". MMM... I don't remember the date exactly but it was in March of 2009.
She is a very important people for me, really is my best friend (girl), She helps to me in everything, is like my sister.
Also, we look nice, with the sun and sand on the screen. This photo is beautiful..
I love it....
In Cartagena all people drink, but in this photo we are sober, without drugs in the blood, only dance and enjoy the music and social relationship.
(My body look very well I'm SEXY XD)
We laughed of all people, was very funny that some men had his face buried in the ground
I like this photo, SS it was taken by my friend, SS Here I'll not say names.
ReplyDeleteHere is my friend Militza and I, SS This photo was taken in Cartagena during de NA "Paseo mechón". MMM... I don't remember the date exactly but it was in March of 2009.
She ?M is a very important people S/P for me, SS really is my best friend (girl), SS She helps to me WF in everything, λ is like my sister.
Also, we look nice, with the sun and sand on the screen. This photo is beautiful..
I love it....
In Cartagena all λ people drink, but in this photo we are sober, without drugs in the blood, only dance and enjoy WF the music and social relationship.
(My body look C very well SS I'm SEXY XD)
We laughed of WW all people, λ was very funny that some men S/P had his face buried in the ground SS