Hello World (classmates), I’m Eduardo Vega and study in second year of Public Management, I am a student of 10.15 English Class, and I want to learn english, therefore I'll use this blog like practice method, additionally this blog is for we will can to talk about ourselves and share information, but only in this language (ENGLISH).
I hope can to speak with any people in english but whitout problem, in fact my principal objectives is to think in english, and use it maybe not like a native language but like a good english-speaker.
Well, I like the World, I dream with a perfect World, however I like to do impossible things to change the reality, I participate on forums and make notes on the web, but remember

All is blue here!!!
well, I HOPE to see you in class tomorrow...
i don't like the colors of your blog, I cann't read good
i think that the perfect world don't exist but we can live with the beatiful life happier
i see you tomorrow (k)
Nice post! The only thing to really keep in mind is that you need to be sure to follow the directions for the blog post as well to receive full credit. For this one, you were supposed to:
Who you are and ***what English learning objectives you hope to achieve through using your blog*** (50 words minimum).
I have already arranged this post, please read it